
651-064-G Oracal Glossy Yellow Green

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Special PVC film with glossy surface. Very suitable for use on cutting plotter systems. For markings, inscriptions, and decorations in short- and medium-term outdoor applications. Indoor exposure is almost unlimited. Glossy surface is additionally suitable for thermal transfer printing (with resin ribbons). Technical Information and Processing and Handling Conditions are available in the Support section of

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Original price was: Rp75.000.Current price is: Rp70.000.





Special PVC film available both with glossy and matt surface


Salvent polyacrylic, permanent

Release paper

Silicon coated paper on one side, 137 g/m2 with special release characteristics which provide excellent waste-stripping properties.

For white vynil a light blue silicone coated paper is used to form a stronger control to lettering.

Areas of use

Due to its special release characteristic, this quality is deal for use in die-cut and computer –cut systems.

For short and medium term outdoor applications. Indoor exposure is almost unlimited.

Gloss surface is additionally recommended for digital thermotransfer printing ( with resin ribbons)

Technical data*

Thickness (without protective paper and adhesive): 70 microns

Dimensional stability (FINAT-TM): adhered to steel no shrinkage in cross direction, in length <0,4mm

Seawaterability (DIN 50 021)

Adhered to aluminium 100 h/23 0C no variation

Temperature resistance:

Adhered to aluminium -40 0C to +800C no variation

Adhesive power (FINAT FTM-1, after 24 h, stainless steel):

Minimum 20 N/25 mm

Tensile strength (DIN EN ISO 527)

Along   : minimum 19 mPa

Across  : minimum 19 mPa

Elongotion at break (DIN EN ISO 527)

Along   : minimum 130%

Across  : minimum 150%

Shelf life: (200C/50% relative humidity) 2 years

Minimum application temperature:+8 0C

Service life by specialist application: under vertical outdoor exposure (normal climate of europe)

Black and white 5 years

Transparent and colored 4 years

Metallic 4 years


Surface to which the material will be applied must be thoroughly cleaned from dust, grease or any contamination. Freshly lacquered or painted surfaces should be allowed to stand for at least 3 weeks after complete curing. The compatibility of selected lacquers and paints should be tested by the end-user, prior to use.


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